Now here is a word that I have been thinking about a lot over the past few months. One simple word that can say so much. Curious as I am, this morning I looked up all the synonyms for the word: thankful, appreciative, acknowledgement, recognition, beholdenness, thanksgiving, giving thanks. Yes, they say it all, but I think I will still with the original title of the blog. But then again, I like beholdenness.

You can be grateful for so many things, like your life, your family, your house, your job, a present you receive from someone, a bouquet of flowers, the list is quite endless, but what if gratitude for something has a much stronger meaning?

The other day I happened to read something about karma, about karmic souls and even though there are many theories in the spiritual world about connections between people or souls, karmic souls was maybe the one that comes up the least in many spiritual circles. A connection with a karmic soul is all about people from past lives. Now I know the sceptics amongst you may not believe in past lives or such experiences but for those of us who have experienced this, I certainly do. And this is not comparable to such terms as ‘twin flames’ or ‘soul flames’. This is much more to do with a karmic issue from a past life. Often one simple word can connect the karmic issue like ‘care’ for example. And I will come back to this later in the blog.

Sometimes you meet people who you have an instant ‘click’ of recognition with. As if you have met them before but know that it is not possible. The people who remain true friends for an entire lifetime are a similar example. I have several friends I am lucky to say, and you know they are true friends when maybe you have not spoken or see one another for a while, the minute you do, you go back exactly to the point where you left off during the last encounter. They are there for you no matter what and hopefully everyone reading this blog can say that they have one or two friends like that. You don’t need a long list because the majority or friends are more acquaintances than friends in fact. Work colleagues may be friends for short periods of time, but you may have experienced if you leave and get another job that the bond then weakens and eventually fizzles out completely.

So back to karmic souls. Their story is interesting. Karmic souls have met one another in several situations. Even though the situations may not be totally crystal clear in the first instance, the underlying impression is one of connection. Normally life memories are erased upon death, but not always. Take for example the people who have experienced a ‘Near Death Experience’ they have a very accurate recollection of what happened. Where they were and what they saw. 

Now here is an interesting thought about karmic souls. It is more or less a spiritual label for two people brought together from past lives who have unresolved business to finish or to impart important life lessons. So, a karmic soul is believed to be a soul who you connected with in one or more of your past lives. The souls are deeply intertwined with you because you share past karma into each new lifetime. Helping you to resolve your karma or theirs on the other hand, to grow emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Meeting a karmic soulmate is an instant, often intense connection, and familiarity. Such a relationship can be not only passionate but also confronting too. A connection with a karmic soulmate usually has something to teach you about what love is, what isn’t and reveals important truths to you about yourself.

Another interesting thought is about soulmate connections: They are usually harmonious, support mutual growth, understand one another. The connection is characterized by a very strong sense of familiarity, shared values and a profound connection, enduring bonds that transcend time and space and they contribute to one another’s lives.

Of course, if you search on Google for information there is absolutely loads about this topic, some positive and some negative, but I feel that you must experience such a connection to really know what you are talking about. Otherwise, the words you find referred to general thoughts as opposed to personal ones.

Also. there is some connective numerology on this subject too: the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19. Briefly we will look at what these numbers mean.

13: is a symbol of being passionate about your ambitions and aiding you to find future successes. Angel connection: what may be considered as being the end to your ‘existence’ as matter and your evolution into the spirit – this seems very accurate for karmic souls.

14: adaptability, resourcefulness, and independence.

16: a number of completion, overcoming your struggles and taking care of yourself and others.

19: the sacred number of the Goddess Brigid, representing the 19-year cycles of the Great Celtic Year and the exact amount of time it takes for the Moon to coincide with the winter Solstice.

Again, much more information available on Google!

On a more personal note, which after all was why the word ‘gratitude’ was mulling around in my mind for a long time, was that I have incredible gratitude for the karmic soul or spiritual soulmate who entered my life some years ago. I may have written many words on this subject in private but also on a more public scale, but I know for sure without any shadow of doubt that this is true. The core connection word is always: care. One caring for the other and vice versa.

I know a lot of people consider such connections to have romantic ideas but my personal one is that this does not always have to be the case. Such karmic soul connections are not relationships with one another, in the romantic form, because they go so much deeper than that.

In human form in the present time, they may be two people whose paths cross regularly, but they are not part of each other’s day-to-day life. But having said that, when they do connect the energy between them is extremely powerful and they literally understand the words like; taking one another’s life in their hands. Here we come back to the word ‘passionate’. They both can be passionate about their talents and why they came here, and it becomes even more ‘electric’ when the two combine. 

They know instantly each and every time they meet, and they both help one another to grow in whatever form. Basically, from different walks of life, but once they connect, there is little which can interfere in the connection. And they don’t allow that to happen, even if the connection is just for a moment. A simple physical connection works every time. And nothing more is needed. They have deep friendships with one another, filled with a lot of respect for one another. Everything is very positive because they know without any shadow of doubt that they are here in this present lifetime to help one another. They both carry strong masculine and feminine energies. Connecting said energies creates a strong energetic circle which no one can break. And I mean no one!

So, my thought is, how can I put into words the gratitude I feel towards the person who is my karmic soulmate connection.  Just to say thank you, give a gift is not enough. It feels too tame. They have helped you in very difficult circumstances overcome something in your life, which makes you grow and vice versa. Really if I am honest, I feel that they know and feel your intense gratitude anyway and why? Because they know without any shadow of doubt that when the tables are turned you will do exactly the same for them. That is pretty powerful stuff, don’t you agree?

I found that many of the other (negative comments) about karmic soulmates which I researched were things I cannot agree with personally. And remember everyone will tell their own story in their own way and is more or a feeling that any word can describe.

So, to round off, I am so incredibly thankful to the person who I consider to be my karmic soulmate. You know who you are and why the connection exists between us. It is a beautiful connection and one that probably many people wish they had.




Published by

Jill Kramer

Hi! I'm Jill and I'm a passionate author of books, short stories, columns and blogs.

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